Located forty five minutes away from Wichita, Kingman SFL is a popular place to fish among the Wichita bass fishing community. It is known for being shallow, weedy, and producing some of the only northern pike in Kansas.
In the early spring and late fall, the lake looks like any other Kansas SFL, but in the summer, 3/4 of the lake is covered by dense vegetation in the form of lily pads. Being only ten feet deep at its deepest, there are almost no areas of the lake that the weeds don't touch.
Other than lily pads, the lake offers lots of brush, laydowns, several rock piers, and up to two feet of clarity. Once the weeds boom in the summer, the lake becomes a jungle, filled from bank to bank with fish attracting cover. This makes the lake fish allot bigger than the typical <150 acre lake.
The lakes bass population is sparse, but has a good average size. Most of the fish you will catch at Kingman will be over two pounds. The fishing can be tough, but if you figure this lake out, it can be allot of fun.
White perch have spread to Kingman, but the many predator species have kept their populations manageable.
Population: Fair
General Size: 15-17"
Big Fish: 8lb (Rumored)
Location: The rock piers are great places to fish before the weeds grow. Pretty much anywhere after that.
Cover: Lilly pads, brush, laydowns, riprap
Baits: Swimbaits, frogs, senkos, texas rig, jigs, spinner baits
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