Sunday, March 21, 2010

Big Hill Reservior

Big hill reservoir has taken on the nick name of "Little Lake of the Ozarks" because of its clear water and abundant standing timber. The area directly in front of the damn was the only area that had its trees cleared prior to the construction of the damn. Once you hit the tree line, there is a lane for boats to safely travel the lake, but other than that, it is a jungle. In between the standing timber, dense aquatic vegetation lines much of the bank.
Big Hill is as good an example of a bass lake as Kansas has to offer. The lake supports a good population of largemouth and smallmouth bass. At times finicky, if you hit this lake at the right time with the right bait, it can be explosive. 25lb limits are not out of the question.
Unlike most Kansas lakes, most of the fishing pressure is geared towards black bass at Big Hill. It is a popular tournament location and is consistently on most Kansas club's schedules.
While Big Hill has managed to avoid the major aquatic nuisance species in Kansas (zebra mussels and white perch), it has recently contracted the Largemouth Bass Virus. LBV is a temporary problem and other fisheries that have contracted the disease have rebounded within a few years of its climax. The disease causes bass to develop a pink slime all over there body, become too weak to swim, and eventually die. Unfortunately, bigger bass are more prone to the disease than smaller bass are. Nothing casts a depressing tone on a day of fishing like a dying 6lber floating on the surface. Last I checked, the effects of LMV on Big Hill were not as drastic as they have been on other lakes.

Population: Good
General size: 14-18"
Big Fish: 6.75lbs (KDWP FF), 7lbs (network). i would assume that the record is well over 8, but i don't know what it actually is.
Location: The NE side of the lake produces the most. I would recommend starting at the second boat ramp.
Cover: Brush, Vegetation, Laydowns, Standing Timber, Rip rap
Baits: Jigs, Carolina Rigs, Texas Rig (brush hog is a safe bet), Spinnerbaits, Senkos, Flukes, Crankbaits (where you can get away with throwing them), 10" Worms

Population: Good
General Size: 12-15"
Big Fish: 6lbs (network)
Location: The south end of the lake belongs to the smallies. Fish along the damn, and anywhere else below the tree line with rocks. Other than that, there is often a 17+" smallie surprise thrown into the mix when fishing for largemouth up lake.
Cover: Riprap, brush
Baits: Jigs, Crawdad Crankbaits, shaky head, tubes, senkos

(I have only fished one tournament on Big Hill. Much of this information comes from the many stories I have heard about Big Hill from respectable and reasonably reliable sources [they are fishermen]. If you see anything that you think is incorrect, feel free to tell me in the comments section).

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